A way of well-being for the
body, spirit and mind...
Reiki Wellness offers services and products to enhance
your well-being. These services are not intended to
substitute any ongoing treatments, medication or
programs that you might be following with your health
care provider.
Chakra Balancing
Chakras form etheric organs in the aura,
being responsible for processing the
spiritual energy into usable energy for the
physical body. (i.e., "stepping down' the
energy from very high fine vibrations to
lower vibrations that can be used by the
physical body). We will look at each chakra
in turn. You will discover which ones in you
need the most work or cleansing, how they
work, and what you need in order to
become more in a state of balance. They
are fundamental to healing, so you will
have a better understanding of the
illnesses or states of imbalance that
manifest in your life.
Imbalances need to be corrected at the
deepest, essential level by yourself; (self-
healing is the most empowering and the
most deeply trans formative). It can help to
consult others for healing or chakra
balancing for example, but if you do not
change the underlying pattern that caused
the dysfunction in the first place then the
chakra will go out of balance again.
Chakra System
The word "chakra" translated from Indian
Sanskrit means "Wheel of Spinning
Energy". Chakras are powerful energy
centers, which control the endocrine
system. The endocrine or hormonal system
regulates all of the body's functions,
including the immune system and the
aging process. Our bodies contain seven
major chakras and 122 minor chakras. Each
major chakra is associated with a different
colors, sound, and elements.
The seven major chakras are located at the
starting at the base of the spine (Root
Chakra - red), just below the navel (Sacral
Chakra - orange), above the navel (Solar
Plexus Chakra - yellow), the center of the
chest (Heart Chakra - green), the throat
(Throat Chakra - blue), at the centre of the
forehead (Brow or Third Eye Chakra -
indigo), and at the top of the head (Crown
Chakra - violet). These chakras are are
linked together and function within all
energy systems in the body and various
layers of the auras. Maintaining the proper
rotational speed of each chakra is the key
to vibrant health, rejuvenation and
youthfulness. The chakras must also be
cleared of negative energy and maintained
in perfect shape and alignment.