A way of well-being for the body, spirit and mind...

Reiki Wellness offers services and products to enhance your well-being. These services are not intended to substitute any ongoing treatments, medication or programs that you might be following with your health care provider.

Other Services

Francoise MoulinCertified ReflexologistUsui Reiki Master  Reflexology Aromatherapy Healing Touch Art Therapy Reiki  more info Acupuncture Moxibustion Counseling Nutritional planning Breathwork Body work and movement K.B. GaChing Kong, M. Ed. R.Ac 03709Kind Tiger Acupuncture Dana Schneider Spinal Flow Technique  Spinal Flow Technique  more info
Reiki Wellness

A way of well-being for the

body, spirit and mind...

Reiki Wellness offers services and products to enhance your well-being. These services are not intended to substitute any ongoing treatments, medication or programs that you might be following with your health care provider.

Other Services

Francoise MoulinCertified ReflexologistUsui Reiki Master  Reflexology Aromatherapy Healing Touch Art Therapy Reiki  more info Acupuncture Moxibustion Counseling Nutritional planning Breathwork Body work and movement K.B. GaChing Kong, M. Ed. R.Ac 03709Kind Tiger Acupuncture Dana Schneider Spinal Flow Technique  Spinal Flow Technique  more info