A way of well-being for the body, spirit and mind...

Reiki Wellness offers services and products to enhance your well-being. These services are not intended to substitute any ongoing treatments, medication or programs that you might be following with your health care provider.


Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. It is a non-intrusive method of hands-on healing that taps into the energy referred to by philosophers and martial artists as ki in Japan, chi in China and prana in India. Many ancient cultures, including the Japanese, Chinese, Indians and Egyptians, embraced the belief that life energy flowed through the body deeply affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Current research strongly suggests that energy does extend throughout and beyond the physical body and that disruptions or imbalances in its flow correlate to physical, mental and emotional illnesses. The healing art of Reiki (pronounced ‘RAY-key’) addresses these imbalances to support your good health and well-being. The practice of Reiki is based on the teachings of a Japanese man, Mikao Usui, who taught and practiced Reiki in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s. Research into the source of Usui’s work points to ancient Buddhist sutras and teachings of great Eastern masters, as well as his own meditation practice. Usui put his inspiration to good use—over the next century Reiki spread throughout Japan, and then the world. Reiki is not massage, hypnosis, or a tool for diagnosing illness. Reiki is a technique that triggers the body’s natural healing abilities. Reiki healing is a natural therapy and a pure energy form that promotes balance and the normal regenerative processes of the body and mind, especially when combined with the sincere desire of a willing recipient. What is a Reiki Session Like? You will normally lie on a table fully clothed, but the technique is so adaptable that you can receive it in almost any setting, including a chair or hospital bed, through casts and bandages, and in any state of health. When you come to a Reiki session it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. A Reiki session is very simply performed. The practitioner places his or her hands on or near the willing participant in a series of hand positions, moving around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet and working on both the front and back side of the body. The effects vary from individual to individual, but most people experience deep relaxation. You may perceive a tingling or pulsing sensation, a feeling of warmth and comfort, or you may even fall asleep. It is possible you’ll experience powerful sensations or emotions during or after a session but results are sometimes subtle. Some recipients say they feel little during the session but afterwards enjoy a sense of calm and well-being, and a deep restful sleep. Reiki in Health Care Used by a rapidly growing number of hospitals all over the world, Reiki complements medical treatment, natural therapies, and massage therapy. Reiki is being successfully integrated into numerous clinical settings to complement medical care and psychological counseling. It is gentle enough to offer support and reduce the discomforts of pregnant women and can help ease the pain of childbirth. Reiki Research Medical research has focused upon verifying Reiki’s effects rather than explaining how it works. The results are impressive. Studies have shown a ‘highly significant reduction in pain,’ including cancer pain, following Reiki treatment and surgical patients often have shorter hospital stays and experience quicker healing with the use of pre and post-surgical Reiki sessions. Another study cited improvement in immune and nervous system functioning and increased mobility in patients with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and fibromyalgia.
Reiki Wellness

A way of well-being for the

body, spirit and mind...

Reiki Wellness offers services and products to enhance your well-being. These services are not intended to substitute any ongoing treatments, medication or programs that you might be following with your health care provider.


Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. It is a non-intrusive method of hands-on healing that taps into the energy referred to by philosophers and martial artists as ki in Japan, chi in China and prana in India. Many ancient cultures, including the Japanese, Chinese, Indians and Egyptians, embraced the belief that life energy flowed through the body deeply affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Current research strongly suggests that energy does extend throughout and beyond the physical body and that disruptions or imbalances in its flow correlate to physical, mental and emotional illnesses. The healing art of Reiki (pronounced ‘RAY-key’) addresses these imbalances to support your good health and well-being. The practice of Reiki is based on the teachings of a Japanese man, Mikao Usui, who taught and practiced Reiki in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s. Research into the source of Usui’s work points to ancient Buddhist sutras and teachings of great Eastern masters, as well as his own meditation practice. Usui put his inspiration to good use—over the next century Reiki spread throughout Japan, and then the world. Reiki is not massage, hypnosis, or a tool for diagnosing illness. Reiki is a technique that triggers the body’s natural healing abilities. Reiki healing is a natural therapy and a pure energy form that promotes balance and the normal regenerative processes of the body and mind, especially when combined with the sincere desire of a willing recipient. What is a Reiki Session Like? You will normally lie on a table fully clothed, but the technique is so adaptable that you can receive it in almost any setting, including a chair or hospital bed, through casts and bandages, and in any state of health. When you come to a Reiki session it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. A Reiki session is very simply performed. The practitioner places his or her hands on or near the willing participant in a series of hand positions, moving around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet and working on both the front and back side of the body. The effects vary from individual to individual, but most people experience deep relaxation. You may perceive a tingling or pulsing sensation, a feeling of warmth and comfort, or you may even fall asleep. It is possible you’ll experience powerful sensations or emotions during or after a session but results are sometimes subtle. Some recipients say they feel little during the session but afterwards enjoy a sense of calm and well-being, and a deep restful sleep. Reiki in Health Care Used by a rapidly growing number of hospitals all over the world, Reiki complements medical treatment, natural therapies, and massage therapy. Reiki is being successfully integrated into numerous clinical settings to complement medical care and psychological counseling. It is gentle enough to offer support and reduce the discomforts of pregnant women and can help ease the pain of childbirth. Reiki Research Medical research has focused upon verifying Reiki’s effects rather than explaining how it works. The results are impressive. Studies have shown a ‘highly significant reduction in pain,’ including cancer pain, following Reiki treatment and surgical patients often have shorter hospital stays and experience quicker healing with the use of pre and post- surgical Reiki sessions. Another study cited improvement in immune and nervous system functioning and increased mobility in patients with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and fibromyalgia.